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Article: Should You Touch the Floor Bulgarian Squats?

Should You Touch the Floor Bulgarian Squats? - Gunsmith Fitness

Should You Touch the Floor Bulgarian Squats?

The Bulgarian squat is a popular exercise among fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike. It's known for its ability to target the lower body muscles, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. But one question that often arises is whether or not you should touch the floor during this exercise. This article will delve into the details of the Bulgarian squat, discussing the correct form, benefits, and common mistakes, including the debate on whether touching the floor is necessary or not.

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The Basics of Bulgarian Squats

What is a Bulgarian Squat?

A Bulgarian squat, also known as a split squat or rear-foot-elevated split squat, is a variation of the traditional squat. It involves placing one foot on an elevated surface behind you while the other foot remains on the ground in front. The exercise is performed by bending the front knee and lowering the body towards the ground, then pushing back up to the starting position.

This exercise is named after the Bulgarian weightlifting team, who popularized it due to its effectiveness in building lower body strength and stability. It's a versatile exercise that can be performed with or without weights, making it suitable for people of all fitness levels.

Correct Form and Technique

Proper form is crucial in performing Bulgarian squats to maximize its benefits and prevent injury. Start by standing a couple of feet from a bench or step, facing away from it. Place the top of one foot on the elevated surface behind you. The other foot should be flat on the ground, about hip-width apart from the other.

Lower your body by bending the front knee until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Your knee should be directly above your ankle, and your back should remain straight throughout the movement. Push through the heel of your front foot to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

To Touch or Not to Touch the Floor?

The Debate

There's a common debate among fitness professionals and enthusiasts about whether or not you should touch the floor during Bulgarian squats. Some argue that touching the floor allows for a greater range of motion, which can lead to increased muscle activation and growth. Others, however, believe that it can put unnecessary strain on the knee and lead to potential injuries.

Ultimately, whether or not you should touch the floor during Bulgarian squats depends on several factors, including your fitness level, flexibility, and personal comfort. It's important to listen to your body and adjust the exercise as needed to avoid discomfort or injury.

Benefits of Touching the Floor

Touching the floor during Bulgarian squats can increase the range of motion of the exercise. This can lead to greater muscle activation, particularly in the glutes and hamstrings. It can also help improve flexibility and mobility, as it requires a deeper stretch in the hip flexors and quadriceps.

However, it's important to note that touching the floor should only be done if it can be achieved with proper form. If your form is compromised, such as your knee going past your toes or your back rounding, it's better to limit your range of motion to maintain proper alignment and prevent injury.

Risks of Touching the Floor

While touching the floor can have benefits, it also comes with potential risks. The main concern is the increased strain it can put on the knee. If the knee is forced into a position where it goes past the toes, it can lead to increased pressure on the knee joint, which can result in pain or injury over time.

Touching the floor can also be challenging for those with limited flexibility or mobility. If you're unable to maintain proper form while trying to touch the floor, it's best to limit your range of motion to what's comfortable and safe for you.


In conclusion, whether or not you should touch the floor during Bulgarian squats depends on your individual circumstances. If you can maintain proper form and it doesn't cause discomfort or pain, touching the floor can be a beneficial way to increase the range of motion and muscle activation of the exercise. However, if it compromises your form or causes discomfort, it's best to limit your range of motion to what's safe and comfortable for you.

As with any exercise, it's important to listen to your body and adjust as needed. If you're unsure about your form or how to perform Bulgarian squats, consider seeking advice from a fitness professional. They can provide guidance and ensure you're performing the exercise correctly and safely.

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